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SARM Stacking: The Ultimate Guide
Stacking SARMs is becoming more and more popular all the time, with athletes striving for enhanced results in quicker time frames. There are three main reasons to use a SARM stack, so let's take a look.
But first, what is a SARM? A SARM is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator which works to bind itself to tissue in muscles and bones. Originally developed to prevent muscle wasting conditions, SARMs have amazing effects on muscle growth, fat loss, and lean muscle mass. There are a variety of different SARMs each with varying strength and results, but stacking them can create even better results.
The main three reasons for stacking SARMs are for for cutting, bulking, or a body recomposition. But what is the Best SARM Stack?
The bulking phase involves an individual consuming more calories than they need on purpose paired with heavy resistance training to add big muscle size. The best SARMs for bulking are:
Combining two of these SARMs will definitely improve your ability to bulk and the results you see. RAD-140, LGD, and YK-11 are all SARMs, while MK-677 works by targeting ghrelin receptors which triggers the release of growth hormone (GH) through the pituitary gland and hypothalamic receptors.
All of these SARMs naturally have similar results, with increased muscle building and fat loss to give you the big size you are looking for. The most common muscle building anabolic stack is probably RAD-140 and LGD, but see what works best for you.
Cutting usually follows bulking as it is impossible to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. Building muscle requires a caloric surplus and burning fat requires a caloric deficit. So once the muscle is gained during the bulking phase, cutting allows an individual to lose the excess fat they gained while bulking while maintaining the muscle. This leads to a more defined muscular look.
The best SARMS stack for cutting are:
Ostarine MK-2866
Cardarine GW-501516
Andarine S4
Again, Ostarine and Andarine are both SARMs, while Cardarine works slightly differently. Cardarine is a PPAR-delta pathway activator, so doesn't target androgen receptors like a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). PPAR-Delta has the ability to activate a large number of fat burning genes, helping you to burn extra fat without sacrificing muscle growth.
This combination of SARMs is more focused on losing fat and maintaining muscle mass, rather than simply adding size and muscle. This makes them perfect to combine to enhance your cut.
You could also triple stack Andarine, Cardarine, and Ostarine for even better results. For this triple stack we recommend 50mg Andarine S4, 10mg Cardarine and 20 mg Ostarine.
Body Recomposition
Body recomposition, or just recomp, is a bit more complicated and can be difficult to pull of. As already mentioned it's almost impossible to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, but body recomp manages to almost fully negate this issue. Body recomp is the process of reducing body fat and building muscle mass. The key to body recomp is calorie cycling, this means alternating you caloric intake day by day to be working at a deficit overall but still consuming enough to build.
The best SARMs for recomp are:
Andarine S4
This stack combines the benefits of LGD and its ability to maintain and build muscle size with Andarine's ability to burn fat to create a SARM perfect for enhancing your recomp.
Like anytime you put anything into your body it is essential that you do your own thorough research. Investigate the potential positives and negatives of each product and make an informed decision based on all the evidence. Make sure to buy SARMs from a trusted retailer. Ultimately there has not been enough research into SARMs to determine if they are safe.
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