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Running for Fitness Workout Program
Running for fitness is a great way to get into shape, lose weight and just feel good. However, before developing a running fitness program, there are certain things that need to be done such as buying a good pair of running shoes. Buying a good pair of running shoes is not only a great investment in the health of your body it can also prevent blisters and shin splints.
Keep in mind that running is a very active and stressful event on the body and to lower the absorption of shock on your feet, legs and body, running shoes will help minimize impact and shocks.
Another thing to keep in mind is to consult your doctor before beginning your running program. This is important; especially if you are over 40. Having your doctor check your blood pressure, your cholesterol and blood sugar level, as well as your body mass index, is always a wise thing to do before beginning any fitness program. Then, once your doctor says that you are in good condition, begin your running fitness program. Start your running program by first combining running with walking. As an example, walk for five to seven minutes and then run for three minutes. As time goes by, slowly increase the time to run until you can run for about 15 minutes.
After you have achieved 15 minutes, begin adding to your distance. Keep in mind that if you have been sedentary for a long time, it is better to start walking, graduating to brisk walking and then add running to your schedule.
Some say that it is important to be able to converse with another person as you run because you don't want to feel breathless as you run and you don't want to become too tired, quickly. Most importantly, measure time when you run instead of measuring distance. In addition, once you have reached 20 minutes, also be sure to stay hydrated.
Once you are done with your workout routine, do some stretching exercises. When going through a running exercise program, it helps to keep a journal on when and how long you run. Setting goals also help such as losing weight, distance or time. In addition, some have found it very helpful to run with a friend.
To conclude, most people stay with a fitness program if they schedule time to exercise. It is also important to give yourself time to recover from your exercise program. So, always take time to rest and recover and use Kinetica Running Supplements. One last tip that helps many when engaging in any exercise is to not drink or eat too much before exercising, especially when running.
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