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Running Without Hurting Knees
Runners Knee is a result of a muscular imbalance in the legs and feet. It is not related to the structures surrounding the knee cap. The knee caps need to move up and down in a smooth motion to ensure a balanced running stride. When the muscles in the feet and legs are imbalanced, the knees go off track causing the cartridge to grind away at the knee cap. Weak quadricepses are usually caused by the very strong hamstrings over powering them. This causes the knee cap to be imbalanced as the weaker quadricepses are unable to support the knee cap and prevent twisting and pulling of the knee cap. This must be avoided for making not hurt to the knees.
Foot imbalance can also lead to your knee cap being imbalanced and thus producing knee pain. So foot imbalance must be avoided.
Avoid the following things for without hurt
· Over pronated feet (foot imbalance)
· Wide Hips
· Sublaxting patella
· Weak Vastus Medialis
Running Knee Pain Treatment
The initial treatment of knee pain should consist of an ice pack. Some runners prefer to use a wet towel that has been in the fridge. It is recommended to use commercially available ice packs for focused pain relief. Anti-inflammatory tablets and gels will help to release the swelling. Please note this should be taken with meals and never before running. You can also alternate cold therapy with heat therapy to further increase the healing of soft tissue damage.
It is important to strengthen the quadriceps using quadriceps strengthening exercises. Retro-running is walking or running backwards. It is important to start slowly with a slow walk and progress to a gentle jog. Choose a smooth, flat road or you can utilize a treadmill with handrails for support. Alternate your neck position to prevent strains and limit your retro-running to two sessions per week starting from 50 meters and progressing to 500 meters.
Tendons and ligaments are most vulnerable and keep the memory of the previous troubles longer. The origin of the problem can be incorrect running movement. If you are a heel striker or a forefoot runner, you can go to a different scenario of treatment. You need to re-educate yourself into the proper pattern of movement, which will start a healing process. Several rules will help you not to aggravate your problem. Do not land on your heels. Do not land ahead of your general center of mass. Do not push off, or straighten your knees on the support. It is already half of the solution to the problem. You need to restore the normal relationships between muscle/tendon work in this area.
Prevent knee pain by keeping the muscles that support your knees strong and flexible. Start out slowly. Walk before you run - before you engage in a strenuous high impact activity such as jogging or running, try walking for a week. If walking causes knee pain, you shouldn't be running. Warm up and stretch before working out. Give your body a chance to recover from exercise. If you do high impact activities take every other day off. Avoid running up and down stairs and full squats. Doing knee exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles that support the knee are vital for knee pain and injury prevention. Proper footwear is also important, especially if walking or running on hard surfaces. Keep your weight under control
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