Mid Lower Abdominals

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Mid/Lower Ab Workout to Lose Belly Fat

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The Myth

It is a popular question these days, and I couldn’t be more surprised: "What is the best ab workout for losing belly fat?"

Answer: None! Ab workouts alone don't lead to fat loss. You are being lied to if you have been told otherwise. For example: Something like ‘Doing sit-ups will target your belly fat’.  Wrong! Sit-ups target Abdominal muscles, not initiate weight loss. They are two different topics.

Too many people are searching for some "miracle abdominal workout" that will dump fat off their abs in no time.

... they are thinking about the problem the wrong way! Once again – Mid and Lower Ab Workouts target abdominal muscles – NOT abdominal fat.

For more information on techniques and strategies visit our site for an unbiased third party review of fat burning and muscle building strategies: Fitness Programs

The Solution

If I were forced to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat – this would include full body exercises, such as:

Squats, deadlifts, lunges, sprinting, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers .. and so on.  These are all detailed in the highly successful ‘Truth About Abs’ program, written by Mike Geary. (Or you can get some FREE in the 65page 'Training and Nutrition Secrets' ebook)

The idea of these is to engage your full body, hence producing a strategic workout that maximizes your metabolism.

Don’t confuse this - I do recommend exercises that directly target the core ab muscles, but these should only be a fraction of the total program.  Once again, Mike Geary in 'Truth About Abs' designs a program that is spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within your body. A side-effect of this is that there are exercises that indirectly work your entire midsection even though you are not ‘directly’ targeting the abs.

The Major Player

Don’t forget that the most important factor to get abs, is to firstly lose your midsection fat.  This will only occur if your nutrition game is right. No matter how hard you workout, if your nutrition is full of junk foods and simple (processed) carbohydrates, then your abdominals will be covered with unwanted fat. Final word - Nutrition is without a doubt the "king of getting a six pack".

So to clear things up

DON’T waste time focusing on situps, leg raises, crunches, and silly worthless useless "ab contraptions" (eg: ‘Ab Swing’) in your efforts to try to develop a flatter midsection.

I hope this article has shown you what you actually should be focusing on.

For more information on techniques and strategies visit our site for an unbiased third party review of fat burning and muscle building strategies: Fitness Programs

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